Welcome to our Company Information Document Submission portal which is designed to help our Suppliers and Members.

How it Works

This Company Information Document Submission portal is designed to help existing Suppliers and Contractors submit company information, such as insurance documents, in an efficient manner. It is for companies that already work for Advantage South West’s Members, so our Members will identify the companies that they want to participate. These will be visible to all Members so it should reduce your workload in sending them to our Members. It will also act as a basic sourcing tool, so should Members need suppliers or contractors they can identify them through this portal. Our Members will receive their own accounts and passwords, so information submitted by you is only visible by them.

Speculative applications from companies that are not doing business with Advantage South West members will be rejected.

Microsoft Internet Explorer, an outdated browser, is not capable of providing access to the portal so please use a current browser such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Brave, Opera, Chrome or others.

Once you have registered, you will be able to upload a wide variety of insurance documents as well as other important information including:

  • Public liability insurance

  • Employer’s liability insurance

  • Product liability insurance

  • Professional indemnity insurance

  • Health & safety registration

  • Gas safe certificates

  • ISO 9001/9002 certification

  • Waste transfer licence

  • Members you work with

  • Business activity

  • Areas you work in

Getting Started


To get started, please follow these steps:

  1. Register an account >>
  2. Wait for your approval email
  3. Log in


To get started, please follow these steps:

  1. Request an Account
  2. Wait for your approval email
  3. Log in